5228 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, IL 60641
Sifu Chuck Kennedy has practiced both internal and external Chinese martial arts for over 30 years. For the last 20 years he has been practicing Wing Chun. Out of all the instructors he has had, Master James Cama, and the Fut Sao system of Wing Chun has had the most impact on his training and philosophy regarding Wing Chun. Although Sifu Chuck Kennedy has been certified to teach the Fut Sao Wing Chun System under Sigung James Cama, he focuses on training and teaching the Fut Sao Wing Chun System in a manner that is unique to him. As a school teacher he has layered the curriculum to facilitate student learning in a manner that scaffolds. This allows the student to track and monitor their own progress as they continue to acquire new skills and concepts in the Chicago Fut Sao Wing Chun System.
Outside of the martial arts world Sifu Chuck Kennedy continues to work as a Chicago Public School teacher teaching seventh and eighth grade reading and math.
Sifu Chuck Kennedy
Christian began practicing Fut Sao in 2008 and it quickly became an anchoring and driving force in his life. Fut Sao has served as a gateway to a deeper relationship with the practice of Kung Fu and its connection to Health and Consciousness. Christian is a Licensed Acupuncturist and maintains a Holistic Medicine practice specializing in Pain, Chronic Illness and Metabolic Disorders at Buddha Hand Wellness. Christian serves as assistant instructor and enjoys exploring all aspects of Kung Fu, from the martial to the meditative, with the class.